About This Blog

I created this blog for fellow energy drink lovers like myself. A buddy of mine and I decided to evaluate mulitiple brands of energy drinks to determine which is the best. If you are like us and love a varity of energy drink brands this is the blog for you.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Energy Drinks vs. Energy Shots

I would pick energy drinks over energy shots any day. Reason being its all about the flavor for me. As for energy shots it's hard to swallow and leaves a bitter after taste. I also feel that I would not want to be full of energy for 5 hours as they advertise. I prefer short burst of energy just to get me jump started.  

Friday, January 25, 2013


There is a huge verity of energy drinks out there. If you are a lover of energy drinks like myself than you would like to know, which one is the best? Have you ever wanted to hammer bunch of energy drinks just for the hell of it. Well a buddy of mine and I decided to take that challenge and evaluate a few brands of energy drink to see which one we liked the best. We chose four popular brands that are consumed by millions. Our test subjects were Red Bull, MonsterVenom and Nos. these are the top dogs in the energy drink world and we will decide which are the best and which are the worst.
We started by going to a local Speedway in Shorewood, Illinois. This is where we purchased all four drinks, which came out to be around $12 (16oz size each). Then we proceeded to my buddies house to begin our experiment. We began by gathering measuring cups, drinking cups and writing supplies to record our results. Before dividing the drinks we recorded the amount of sugar and calorie content for every 8oz. Reason being we will each consume 8oz of all four test subjects.

Along with the nutrition facts we also evaluated taste as well. The first test subject was Monster after closely measuring 8oz for each of us we both drank and recorded how much we liked the taste from a 1 though 5 scale in which monster received a combined total of 7 out of a 10 point scale. After 20 minutes we continued on to the next subject, which was Red Bull after tasting we graded it with a combined sore of 9. We then waited another 20 minutes until we began our third test which was Venom, receiving a total of 8. At this point the energy drinks were taking its toll on the body. we both could not managing to be still.

As obvious as it may seem we didn’t consider the effects the energy drinks would have. We were at 24oz of energy drinks a piece with 8oz more to go. Since we were overwhelmed with energy we decided to burn some of it off by going out side and playing catch with a football. It would not have been an activity we would have done if it wasn’t from the energy overload, due to the bellow freezing temperature out side.
After reveling some of our energy we returned to the basement to get back to work. Our last energy drink was Nos. this was my first time trying Nos as was it for my friend, and it did not score very well at all with a combined score of 5 in taste. Reason been we both did not like the citrus taste. Finally our test were done and all was left was to compare score to see which came on top.
The results of this experiment is clear the best tasting drink was Red Bull out of the four with a score of 9 out of 10. As for the nutrition Red Bull had the least amount of sugar content out of the four with 16 grams of sugar (per 8oz). As for the lowest calorie amount monster was the least with 100 calories (per 8oz).
The worst tasting out of the four goes to Nos with a combine sore of 5 out of 10. The drink with the highest sugar content is Nos and Monster with 27 grams of sugar (per 8oz). As for the energy drink with the highest amount of calories is Venom with 120 (per 8oz).

The effects after drinking a grand total of 32oz of different energy drinks was interesting. Their was defiantly a ridicules amounts of trips taken to the bathroom. As well as the no stop jittering of the hands and legs. Later on that day the crash was terrible, but I would still do all over again.
I would not recommend this experiment to anyone under the age of 18 or anyone with any heart conditions. I will be defiantly looking forward to expanding this experiment to more brands of energy drinks. I am determined to find the best tasting energy drink out there.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sugar and Calorie data

This is a bar graph of the content that is in the four test subjects.

Test Subjects

My buddy and I tested these four energy drinks to see which one was the best.
Which one do you like the best?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wall of energy

I would love to have a collection of energy drinks like this. Nothing can compare to the jump start of an ice cold energy drink in the morning.
What's your favorite energy drink?